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FNA in medullary thyroid carcinoma

TOPIC: Hormone determinations in wash-out fluid from FNA Title: Calcitonin measurement in wash-out fluid from fine needle aspiration of neck masses in patients with primary and metastatic medullary thyroid carcinoma. Authors: Boi F, Maurelli I, Pinna G, Atzeni F, Piga M, Lai ML, & Mariotti S. Reference: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 92: 2115-2118, […]

Iodine deficiency and mutagenesis by increased DNA damage

Topic: DNA damage at the origin of cancer Title: Iodine deficiency activates antioxidant genes and causes DNA damage in the thyroid gland of rats and mice. Authors: Maier J, van Steeg H, van Oostrom C, Paschke R, Weiss RE & Krohn K. Reference: Biochimica Biophysica Acta 1773: 990-999, 2007 Summary Background Stimulation of the thyroid […]

Control of TSH secretion

Topic: Effects of acute bexarotene administration on TSH secretion in normal subjects Title: Single-Dose Rexinoid rapidly and specifically suppresses serum thyrotropin (TSH) in normal subjects. Authors: Golden WM, Weber KB, Hernandez TL, Sherman SI, Woodmansee WW, & Haugen BR. Reference: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 92: 124-130, 2007 Summary Background Retinoid X receptor agonists […]

Mortality and radioiodine treatment

TOPIC: Increased risk of cardiovascular & cancer deaths from radioiodine treatment for hyperthyroidism Title: Increased cardiovascular and cancer mortality after radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism. Authors: Metso S, Jaatinen P, Huhtala H, Auvinen A, Oksala H, & Salmi J. Reference: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 92: 2190-2196, 2007 Summary Background Although patients treated with radioiodine […]

Orbital T cells express the IGF-1R in Graves- ophthalmopathy

TOPIC: Potential role for the IGF-1 receptor on T cells in Graves- disease Title: Aberrant expressions of the insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor by T cells from patients with Graves- disease may carry functional consequences for disease pathogenesis. Authors: Douglas RS, Gianoukakis AG, Kamat S, & Smith TJ. Reference: Journal of Immunology 178: 3281-3287, 2007 Summary […]

A population study comparing low, adequate, and excessive iodine intake levels in China

TOPIC: Excessive iodine intake and the risk of thyroid autoimmune disease Title: Effect of iodine intake on thyroid diseases in China. Authors: Teng W, Shan Z, Teng X, Guan H, et al. Reference: New England Journal of Medicine 354: 2783-2793, 2006 Summary Background Normal thyroid function requires iodine to produce thyroid hormones. Both low (i.e. […]

About the -Opitz-Kaveggia- syndrome

TOPIC: New genes involved in thyroid disease Title: A recurrent mutation in MED12 leading to R961W causes Opitz-Kaveggia syndrome. Authors: Risheg H, Graham JM Jr, Clark RD, Rogers RC, Opitz JM, Moeschler JB, Peiffer AP, May M, Joseph SM, Jones JR, Stevenson RE, Schwartz CE, & Friez MJ. Reference: Nature Genetics 39: 451-453, 2007 Summary […]

The Tbx1 gene and the developing thyroid

Topic: New genes in the pathogenesis of thyroid disease Title: The 22q11 deletion syndrome candidate gene Tbx1 determines thyroid size and positioning. Authors: Fagman H, Liao J, Westerlund J, Andersson L, Morrow BE, & Nilsson M. Reference: Human Molecular Genetics 16: 276-285, 2007 Summary Background Thyroid dysgenesis is the major cause of congenital hypothyroidism in […]

The role of D3 in the regulation of tissue growth and differentiation

Topic: Thyroid hormone metabolism and action Title: Gene expression from the imprinted Dio3 locus is associated with cell proliferation of cultured brown adipocytes. Authors: Hernandez A, Garcia B, & Obregon MJ. Reference: Endocrinology, May 17, 2007 [Epub ahead of print] Summary Background Active thyroid hormones are critical for the differentiation and function of brown adipose […]

Vitiligo and multiple autoimmune disease

Topic: V itiligo: a role for the innate immune system? Title- NALP1 in vitiligo-associated multiple autoimmune disease. Authors: Jin Y, Mailloux CM, Gowan K, Riccardi SL, LaBerge G, Bennett DC, Fain PR, & Spritz RA. Reference: New England Journal of Medicine 356: 1216-1225, 2007 Summary Background Autoimmune thyroid disease is the commonest of a group […]

Congenital hypothyroidism: an experience of nature in mice

Topic: Mutations in congenital hypothyroidism Title -Congenital hypothyroidism, dwarfism and hearing impairment caused by a missense mutation in the mouse dual oxidase 2 gene, Duox 2. Authors: Johnson KR, Marden CC, Ward-Bailey P, Gagnon LH, Bronson RT, & Donahue LR Reference: Molecular Endocrinology (first published ahead of print April 17, 2007) Summary Background The mouse […]

About the mechanism of down regulation of Na + /I – symporter expression in thyroid cancer

Topic: Regulation of Expression of Na + /I – Symporter Title: PTTG and PBF repress the human sodium iodide symporter. Authors: Boelaert K, Smith VE, Stratford AL, Kogai T, Tannahill LA, Watkinson JC, Eggo MC, Franklyn JA, & McCabe CJ. Reference: Oncogene (advance online publication; 5 February 2007); doi: 10.1038/sj.onc.1210221 Summary Background The ability of […]

Recombinant human TSH to avoid l-thyroxine withdrawal in congenital hypothyroidism

Topic: RhTSH & CONGENITAL HYPOTHYROIDISM Title: Recombinant thyrotropin in the diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism. Authors: Tiosano D, Even L, Orr ZS, & Hochberg Z Reference: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 92: 1424-1437, 2007 Summary Background A modern approach to congenital hypothyroidism requires a definitive diagnosis of the underlying mechanisms; this can be achieved within […]

Role of color flow Doppler sonography for discovering the etiologic diagnosis of hyperthyroidism

Topic: DOPPLER ULTRASONOGRAPHY & HYPERTHYROIDISM Title: Color Flow Doppler Sonography for the Etiologic Diagnosis of Hyperthyroidism. Authors: Erdogan MF, Anil C, Cesur M, Baskal N, and Erdogan G. Reference: Thyroid 17: 223-228, 2007 Summary Background Color flow Doppler sonography is gaining importance for the functional evaluation of thyroid disorders. Purpose The objective of this study […]

An inverse agonist for the TSH receptor

Topic: MECHANISM OF TSH RECEPTOR ACTIVATION Title: Suppression of thyrotropin receptor constitutive activity by a monoclonal antibody with inverse agonist activity. Authors: Chen C-R, McLachlan SM, & Rapoport B. Reference: Endocrinology, 2007 (First published ahead of print on February 1, 2007 as doi:10.1210/en.2006-1754) Summary Background Thyrotropin (TSH) binding to the TSH receptor (TSHR) induces thyrocyte […]

Prognosis of patients with NTIS

Topic: NON-THYROIDAL ILLNESS SYNDROME Title: Frequency and outcome of patients with non-thyroidal illness syndrome in a medical intensive care unit Authors: Plikat K , Langgartner J , Buettner R , Bollheimer LC , Woenckhaus U , Scholmerich J , Wrede CE. Reference: Metabolism 56: 239-244, 2007 Summary Background Acute and chronic critical conditions are associated […]

Octreotide LAR for the treatment of Graves- orbitopathy

Topic: GRAVES- ORBITOPATHY Title: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of long-acting release octreotide for treatment of Graves- ophthalmopathy Authors: Stan MN, Garrity JA, Bradley EA, Woog JJ, Bahn MM, Brennan MD, Bryant SC, Achenbach SJ, & Bahn RS. Reference: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 91: 4817-4824, 2006 Summary Background Somatostatin analogs have been proposed as […]

Upper airway obstruction at birth due to congenital goiter

Topic: GOITROUS CONGENITAL HYPOTHYROIDISM Title -Goitrous congenital hypothyroidism in a twin pregnancy causing respiratory obstruction at birth: implications for management. Authors: Reynolds BC, Simpson JH, Macara L, Watt AJB, Kubba H, Donaldson MDC, & Pohlenz J. Reference: Acta Paediatrica 95: 1345-1348, 2006 Summary Objectives Report on a twin pregnancy complicated by fetal goitrous hypothyroidism secondary […]

Who should we screen for thyroid dysfunction during pregnancy?

Topic: THYROID AND PREGNANCY Title: Detection of thyroid dysfunction in early pregnancy: universal screening or targeted high-risk case finding? Authors: Vaidya B, Anthony S, Bilous M, Shields B, Drury J, Hutchison S, Bilous R. Reference: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 92: 203-207, 2007 Summary Background Maternal subclinical hypothyroidism in pregnancy is common (about 2.5%). […]

Trends in thyroid carcinoma in Italy

Topic: THYROID CANCER Title: Trend in thyroid carcinoma size, age at diagnosis, and histology in a retrospective study of 500 cases diagnosed over 20 years. Authors: Trimboli P, Graziano FM, Marzullo A, Ruggieri M, Calvanese A, Piccirilli F, Cavaliere R, Fumarola A, D-Armiento M. Reference: Thyroid 16: 1151-1155, 2006 Summary Background Recently, several reports have […]

Long-term TSH suppression in Graves- hyperthyroidism

Topic: GRAVES- HYPERTHYROIDISM Title: Continued suppression of serum TSH level may be attributed to TSH receptor antibody activity as well as the severity of thyrotoxicosis and the time to recovery of thyroid hormone in treated euthyroid Graves- patients. Authors: Chung YJ, Lee BW, Kim J-Y, Jung JH, Min Y-K, Lee M-S, Lee M-K, Kim K-W, […]

Smoking is bad for your eyes

Topic: GRAVES- ORBITOPATHY Title: Smoking and thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy: a novel explanation of the biological link. Authors: Cawood TJ, Moriarty P, O- Farrelly C, & O-Shea D. Reference: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 92: 59-64, 2007 Summary Background Cigarette smoking is the most important risk factor associated with the occurrence and/or progression of Graves- orbitopathy […]

Is thyroid malignancy more frequent in solitary nodules?

Topic: NODULES & CANCER Title: Prevalence and distribution of carcinoma in patients with solitary and multiple thyroid nodules on sonography. Authors: Frates MC, Benson CB, Doubilet PM, Kunreuther E, Contreras M, Cibas ES, Orcutt J, Moore FD Jr, Larsen PR, Marqusee E, Alexander EK. Reference: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 91: 3411-3417, 2006 Summary […]