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I'm having trouble finding stories/forums of thyroid issues for 20 or 30 something males, everything I read is female based. I'm a 28 year old male otherwise very healthy. I recently went to my GP as I was constantly sweating, off balance, ringing left ear, intolerant to hear and fatigued easily, I would also say my cognitive brain function was somewhat impaired. I got a host of blood tests completed which showed I was extremely healthy other than an overactive thyroid. I had some more tests completed which showed the following readings.

Free T4



Free T3







At that point I was referred for an iodine uptake test which showed low uptake, I remember seeing some type of reading of 0.2 but don't have the test to hand. There were no nodules etc. 2 weeks later more blood work was completed and my thyroid levels have not moved. I saw an endocrinologist who believes it may be thyroiditis, problem is I can't find anything anywhere on the net about guys my age with this issue, and whether it can heal itself. I've been prescribed Inderal which makes me feel terrible and doesn't help at all, in saying that I never really suffered from tremors anyways.
Can you provide me some advice or thoughts? How long long can these things hang around for? And is it possibly it is not Graves' disease or has Hashimotos and just a temporary thing?
RESPONSE  You have high levels of thyroid hormone in your blodd and this can be associated with many symptoms such as sweating ,breathlessness, wt loss etc.
The question is what is the cause of the high levels. In your case , because the iodine uptake is low it suggests a condition know as subacute thyroiditis which is usually painfull.
Hashimoto's disease may also be the cause as you indicate .Inderal should help the palpitations etc but if you dont like it it may be worth trying another beta blocker.
Thyroiditis is usually self limiting so will go away eventually.
It would be useful to have your thyroid antibodies measured including TSH receptor antibodies (a marker of Graves' disease).